Area Code With Time Zone
Know what area code they are in – Before you call!
Be respectful, never call before 9 AM or after 8 PM
Atlanta 11
Eastern 10
Central 9
Mountain 8
Pacific 7
Example: If it is 10 am Eastern, It is 7 am Pacific time.
Code | Standard Time Zone | Region | Country |
201 | EST | New Jersey | US |
202 | EST | District of Columbia | US |
203 | EST | Connecticut | US |
204 | CST | Manitoba | CA |
205 | CST | Alabama | US |
206 | PST | Washington | US |
207 | EST | Maine | US |
208 | *MST, PST | Idaho | US |
209 | PST | California | US |
210 | CST | Texas | US |
212 | EST | New York | US |
213 | PST | California | US |
214 | CST | Texas | US |
215 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
216 | EST | Ohio | US |
217 | CST | Illinois | US |
218 | CST | Minnesota | US |
219 | *EST, CST | Indiana | US |
220 | EST | Ohio | US |
223 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
224 | CST | Illinois | US |
225 | CST | Louisiana | US |
226 | EST | Ontario | CA |
228 | CST | Mississippi | US |
229 | EST | Georgia | US |
231 | EST | Michigan | US |
234 | EST | Ohio | US |
236 | PST | British Columbia | CA |
239 | EST | Florida | US |
240 | EST | Maryland | US |
242 | EST | The Bahamas | |
246 | AST | Barbados | |
248 | EST | Michigan | US |
249 | EST | Ontario | CA |
250 | PST | British Columbia | CA |
251 | CST | Alabama | US |
252 | EST | North Carolina | US |
253 | PST | Washington | US |
254 | CST | Texas | US |
256 | CST | Alabama | US |
260 | EST | Indiana | US |
262 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
264 | AST | Anguilla | |
267 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
268 | AST | Antigua and Barbuda | |
269 | EST | Michigan | US |
270 | *EST, CST | Kentucky | US |
272 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
276 | EST | Virginia | US |
279 | PST | California | US |
281 | CST | Texas | US |
284 | AST | British Virgin Islands | |
289 | EST | Ontario | CA |
301 | EST | Maryland | US |
302 | EST | Delaware | US |
303 | MST | Colorado | US |
304 | EST | West Virginia | US |
305 | EST | Florida | US |
306 | CST | Saskatchewan | CA |
307 | MST | Wyoming | US |
308 | *CST, MST | Nebraska | US |
309 | CST | Illinois | US |
310 | PST | California | US |
312 | CST | Illinois | US |
313 | EST | Michigan | US |
314 | CST | Missouri | US |
315 | EST | New York | US |
316 | CST | Kansas | US |
317 | EST | Indiana | US |
318 | CST | Louisiana | US |
319 | CST | Iowa | US |
320 | CST | Minnesota | US |
321 | EST | Florida | US |
323 | PST | California | US |
325 | CST | Texas | US |
330 | EST | Ohio | US |
331 | CST | Illinois | US |
332 | EST | New York | US |
334 | CST | Alabama | US |
336 | EST | North Carolina | US |
337 | CST | Louisiana | US |
339 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
340 | AST | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
343 | EST | Ontario | CA |
345 | EST | Cayman Islands | |
346 | CST | Texas | US |
347 | EST | New York | US |
351 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
352 | EST | Florida | US |
360 | PST | Washington | US |
361 | CST | Texas | US |
364 | *EST, CST | Kentucky | US |
365 | EST | Ontario | CA |
367 | EST | Quebec | CA |
380 | EST | Ohio | US |
385 | MST | Utah | US |
386 | EST | Florida | US |
401 | EST | Rhode Island | US |
402 | CST | Nebraska | US |
403 | MST | Alberta | CA |
404 | EST | Georgia | US |
405 | CST | Oklahoma | US |
406 | MST | Montana | US |
407 | EST | Florida | US |
408 | PST | California | US |
409 | CST | Texas | US |
410 | EST | Maryland | US |
412 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
413 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
414 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
415 | PST | California | US |
416 | EST | Ontario | CA |
417 | CST | Missouri | US |
418 | EST | Quebec | CA |
419 | EST | Ohio | US |
423 | *EST, CST | Tennessee | US |
424 | PST | California | US |
425 | PST | Washington | US |
430 | CST | Texas | US |
431 | Manitoba | CA | |
432 | CST | Texas | US |
434 | EST | Virginia | US |
435 | MST | Utah | US |
437 | EST | Ontario | CA |
438 | EST | Quebec | CA |
440 | EST | Ohio | US |
441 | AST | Bermuda | |
442 | PST | California | US |
443 | EST | Maryland | US |
447 |
Chicago |
US |
450 | EST | Quebec | CA |
456 | EST | XX | |
458 | MST, PST | Oregon | US |
463 | EST | Indiana | US |
469 | CST | Texas | US |
470 | EST | Georgia | US |
473 | AST | Grenada | |
475 | EST | Connecticut | US |
478 | EST | Georgia | US |
479 | CST | Arkansas | US |
480 | MST | Arizona | US |
484 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
500 | EST | XX | |
501 | CST | Arkansas | US |
502 | EST | Kentucky | US |
503 | PST | Oregon | US |
504 | CST | Louisiana | US |
505 | MST | New Mexico | US |
506 | AST | New Brunswick | CA |
507 | CST | Minnesota | US |
508 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
509 | PST | Washington | US |
510 | PST | California | US |
512 | CST | Texas | US |
513 | EST | Ohio | US |
514 | EST | Quebec | CA |
515 | CST | Iowa | US |
516 | EST | New York | US |
517 | EST | Michigan | US |
518 | EST | New York | US |
519 | EST | Ontario | CA |
520 | MST | Arizona | US |
521 | EST | XX | |
522 | EST | XX | |
530 | PST | California | US |
531 | CST | Nebraska | US |
533 | EST | XX | |
534 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
539 | CST | Oklahoma | US |
540 | EST | Virginia | US |
541 | *MST, PST | Oregon | US |
544 | EST | XX | |
548 | EST | Ontario | CA |
551 | EST | New Jersey | US |
559 | PST | California | US |
561 | EST | Florida | US |
562 | PST | California | US |
563 | CST | Iowa | US |
564 | PST | Washington | US |
566 | EST | XX | |
567 | EST | Ohio | US |
570 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
571 | EST | Virginia | US |
573 | CST | Missouri | US |
574 | *EST, CST | Indiana | US |
575 | MST | New Mexico | US |
577 | EST | XX | |
579 | EST | Quebec | CA |
580 | CST | Oklahoma | US |
581 | EST | Quebec | CA |
585 | EST | New York | US |
586 | EST | Michigan | US |
587 | MST | Alberta | CA |
588 | EST | XX | |
600 | EST | CA | |
601 | CST | Mississippi | US |
602 | MST | Arizona | US |
603 | EST | New Hampshire | US |
604 | PST | British Columbia | CA |
605 | *CST, MST | South Dakota | US |
606 | *EST, CST | Kentucky | US |
607 | EST | New York | US |
608 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
609 | EST | New Jersey | US |
610 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
612 | CST | Minnesota | US |
613 | EST | Ontario | CA |
614 | EST | Ohio | US |
615 | CST | Tennessee | US |
616 | EST | Michigan | US |
617 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
618 | CST | Illinois | US |
619 | PST | California | US |
620 | *CST, MST | Kansas | US |
622 | EST | CA | |
623 | MST | Arizona | US |
626 | PST | California | US |
628 | PST | California | US |
629 | CST | Tennessee | US |
630 | CST | Illinois | US |
631 | EST | New York | US |
636 | CST | Missouri | US |
639 | CST | Saskatchewan | CA |
640 | EST | New Jersey | US |
641 | CST | Iowa | US |
646 | EST | New York | US |
647 | EST | Ontario | CA |
649 | EST | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
650 | PST | California | US |
651 | CST | Minnesota | US |
657 | PST | California | US |
660 | CST | Missouri | US |
661 | PST | California | US |
662 | CST | Mississippi | US |
664 | AST | Montserrat | |
667 | EST | Maryland | US |
669 | PST | California | US |
670 | Northern Marianas Islands | ||
671 | Guam | ||
678 | EST | Georgia | US |
680 | EST | New York | US |
681 | EST | West Virginia | US |
682 | CST | Texas | US |
684 | American Samoa | ||
700 | EST | XX | |
701 | *CST, MST | North Dakota | US |
702 | PST | Nevada | US |
703 | EST | Virginia | US |
704 | EST | North Carolina | US |
705 | EST | Ontario | CA |
706 | EST | Georgia | US |
707 | PST | California | US |
708 | CST | Illinois | US |
709 | NST, AST | Newfoundland and Labrador | CA |
710 | EST | US | |
712 | CST | Iowa | US |
713 | CST | Texas | US |
714 | PST | California | US |
715 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
716 | EST | New York | US |
717 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
718 | EST | New York | US |
719 | MST | Colorado | US |
720 | MST | Colorado | US |
721 | AST | Sint Maarten | |
724 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
725 | PST | Nevada | US |
726 | CST | Texas | US |
727 | EST | Florida | US |
731 | CST | Tennessee | US |
732 | EST | New Jersey | US |
734 | EST | Michigan | US |
737 | CST | Texas | US |
740 | EST | Ohio | US |
743 | EST | North Carolina | US |
747 | PST | California | US |
754 | EST | Florida | US |
757 | EST | Virginia | US |
758 | AST | Saint Lucia | |
760 | PST | California | US |
762 | EST | Georgia | US |
763 | CST | Minnesota | US |
765 | EST | Indiana | US |
767 | AST | Dominica | |
769 | CST | Mississippi | US |
770 | EST | Georgia | US |
772 | EST | Florida | US |
773 | CST | Illinois | US |
774 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
775 | PST | Nevada | US |
778 | PST | British Columbia | CA |
779 | CST | Illinois | US |
780 | MST | Alberta | CA |
781 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
782 | AST | Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island | CA |
784 | AST | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
785 | *CST, MST | Kansas | US |
786 | EST | Florida | US |
787 | AST | Puerto Rico | |
800 | EST | XX | |
801 | MST | Utah | US |
802 | EST | Vermont | US |
803 | EST | South Carolina | US |
804 | EST | Virginia | US |
805 | PST | California | US |
806 | CST | Texas | US |
807 | *EST, CST | Ontario | CA |
808 | (UTC-10) | Hawaii | US |
809 | EST | Dominican Republic | |
810 | EST | Michigan | US |
812 | *EST, CST | Indiana | US |
813 | EST | Florida | US |
814 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
815 | CST | Illinois | US |
816 | CST | Missouri | US |
817 | CST | Texas | US |
818 | PST | California | US |
819 | EST | Quebec | CA |
820 | PST | California | US |
825 | MST | Alberta | CA |
828 | EST | North Carolina | US |
829 | EST | Dominican Republic | |
830 | CST | Texas | US |
831 | PST | California | US |
832 | CST | Texas | US |
833 | EST | XX | |
838 | EST | New York | US |
843 | EST | South Carolina | US |
844 | EST | XX | |
845 | EST | New York | US |
847 | CST | Illinois | US |
848 | EST | New Jersey | US |
849 | EST | Dominican Republic | |
850 | *EST, CST | Florida | US |
854 | EST | South Carolina | US |
855 | EST | XX | |
856 | EST | New Jersey | US |
857 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
858 | PST | California | US |
859 | EST | Kentucky | US |
860 | EST | Connecticut | US |
862 | EST | New Jersey | US |
863 | EST | Florida | US |
864 | EST | South Carolina | US |
865 | EST | Tennessee | US |
866 | EST | ||
867 | *CST, MST, PST | Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut | CA |
868 | AST | Trinidad and Tobago | |
869 | AST | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
870 | CST | Arkansas | US |
872 | CST | Illinois | US |
873 | EST | Quebec | CA |
876 | EST | Jamaica | |
877 | EST | XX | |
878 | EST | Pennsylvania | US |
888 | EST | XX | |
900 | EST | XX | |
901 | CST | Tennessee | US |
902 | AST | Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island | CA |
903 | CST | Texas | US |
904 | EST | Florida | US |
905 | EST | Ontario | CA |
906 | *EST, CST | Michigan | US |
907 | (UTC-9) | Alaska | US |
908 | EST | New Jersey | US |
909 | PST | California | US |
910 | EST | North Carolina | US |
912 | EST | Georgia | US |
913 | CST | Kansas | US |
914 | EST | New York | US |
915 | *CST, MST | Texas | US |
916 | PST | California | US |
917 | EST | New York | US |
918 | CST | Oklahoma | US |
919 | EST | North Carolina | US |
920 | CST | Wisconsin | US |
925 | PST | California | US |
928 | MST | Arizona | US |
929 | EST | New York | US |
930 | EST | Indiana | US |
931 | EST, CST | Tennessee | US |
934 | EST | New York | US |
936 | CST | Texas | US |
937 | EST | Ohio | US |
938 | CST | Alabama | US |
939 | AST | Puerto Rico | |
940 | CST | Texas | US |
941 | EST | Florida | US |
947 | EST | Michigan | US |
949 | PST | California | US |
951 | PST | California | US |
952 | CST | Minnesota | US |
954 | EST | Florida | US |
956 | CST | Texas | US |
959 | EST | Connecticut | US |
970 | MST | Colorado | US |
971 | PST | Oregon | US |
972 | CST | Texas | US |
973 | EST | New Jersey | US |
978 | EST | Massachusetts | US |
979 | CST | Texas | US |
980 | EST | North Carolina | US |
984 | EST | North Carolina | US |
985 | CST | Louisiana | US |
986 | PST | Idaho | US |
989 | EST | Michigan | US |
Code | Region Detail |
201 | Hackensack, Jersey City, Union City, Rutherford, Leonia |
202 | All areas |
203 | Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, Greenwich |
204 | All areas |
205 | Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Anniston |
206 | Seattle, Everett |
207 | All areas |
208 | All areas |
209 | Stockton, Modesto, Merced, Oakdale |
210 | San Antonio |
212 | New York City – Manhattan |
213 | Los Angeles, Compton |
214 | Dallas |
215 | Philadelphia, Lansdale, Doylestown, Newtown, Quakertown |
216 | Cleveland, Terrace, Independence, Montrose |
217 | Springfield, Champaign Urbana, Decatur, Central Illinois |
218 | Duluth, Virginia, Moorhead, Brainerd, Wadena |
219 | Gary, Hammond, Merrillville, Portage, Michigan City, Valparaiso |
220 | Portsmouth, Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Steubenville |
223 | Harrisburg, York, Lancaster |
224 | Northbrook, Skokie, Evanston, Glenview, Waukegan, Desplaines, Elk Grove |
225 | Baton Rouge and Surrounding Areas |
226 | Ontario: London Area, Kitchener, Cambridge, Windsor |
228 | Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Bay St. Louis |
229 | Albany, Valdosta, Thomasville, Bainbridge, Tifton, Americus, Moultrie, Cordele |
231 | Muskegon, Traverse City, Big Rapids, Cadillac, Cheboygan |
234 | Akron, Youngstown, Canton, Warren, Kent, Alliance, Medina, New Philadelphia |
236 | Vancouver, Fraser Valley |
239 | Ft. Myers, Naples, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Immokalee, Lehigh Acres, Sanibel, Captiva, Pine Island |
240 | Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Gaithersburg, Frederick, Laurel, Hagerstown |
242 | All areas |
246 | All areas |
248 | Troy, Pontiac, Royal Oak, Birmingham, Rochester, Farmington Hills |
249 | Greater Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay |
250 | British Columbia: Victoria, Kamloops, Kelowna, Prince George, Nanaimo |
251 | Mobile, Prichard, Tillmans Corner, Fairhope, Jackson, Gulfshores |
252 | Greenville, Rocky Mount, Wilson, New Bern |
253 | Tacoma, Kent, Auburn |
254 | Waco, Killeen, Temple |
256 | Huntsville, Anniston, Decatur, Gadsden, Florence |
260 | Fort Wayne, Huntington, Wabash, Lagrange |
262 | Green Bay, Appleton, Racine, Kenosha, Oshkosh, Waukesha, Menomonee Falls, West Bend, Sheboygan |
264 | All areas |
267 | Philadelphia, Lansdale, Doylestown, Newtown, Quakertown |
268 | All areas |
269 | Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, St. Joseph, Three Rivers, South Haven, Benton Harbor, Sturgis, Hastings |
270 | Bowling Green, Paducah, Owensboro, Hopkinsville |
272 | Williamsport , Scranton , Wilkes-Barre and Monroe County |
276 | Martinsville, Abingdon, Wytheville, Bristol, Marion, Collinsville |
279 | Sacramento, Roseville, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Elk Grove, South Placer |
281 | Houston, Sugar Land, Buffalo, Airline, Greenspoint, Spring |
284 | All areas |
289 | Ontario: Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Markham, Mississauga, Brampton |
301 | Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Gaithersburg, Frederick, Laurel, Hagerstown |
302 | All areas |
303 | Denver, Littleton, Englewood, Arvada, Boulder, Aurora |
304 | All areas |
305 | Miami, Perrine, Homestead, Florida Keys |
306 | All areas |
307 | All areas |
308 | Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte, Scottsbluff |
309 | Peoria, Bloomington, Rock Island, Galesburg, Macomb |
310 | Compton, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West LA, Inglewood, Redondo, El Segundo, Culver City, Torrance |
312 | Chicago, Wheeling |
313 | Detroit, Livonia, Dearborn |
314 | Saint Louis, Ladue, Kirkwood, Creve Coeur, Overland, Ferguson |
315 | Syracuse, Utica, Watertown, Rome |
316 | Wichita, Hutchinson |
317 | Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Greenwood |
318 | Shreveport, Monroe, Alexandria, Ruston, Natchitoches |
319 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Waterloo, Burlington |
320 | St. Cloud, Alexandria, Willmar, Little Falls |
321 | Cocoa, Melbourne, Eau Gallie, Titusville |
323 | Los Angeles, Montebello |
325 | Albilene, San Angelo, Brownwood, Synder, Sweetwater |
330 | Akron, Youngstown, Canton, Warren, Kent, Alliance, Medina, New Philadelphia |
331 | La Grange, Roselle, Hinsdale, Downers Grove, Naperville, Lombard, Elmhurst, Aurora, Wheaton |
332 | New York City – Manhattan |
334 | Montgomery, Dothan, Auburn, Selma, Opelika, Phenix City, Tuskegee |
336 | Greensboro, Winston Salem, Highpoint, Burlington, Lexington, Asheboro, Reidsville |
337 | Lake Charles, Lafayette, New Iberia, Leesville, Opelousas, Crowley |
339 | Waltham, Lexington, Burlinton, Dedham, Woburn, Lynn, Malden, Saugus, Reading, Braintree, Wellesley |
340 | All areas |
343 | Ottawa metropolitan area and southeastern Ontario |
345 | All areas |
346 | Harris, Fort Bend, Waller, Austin, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Liberty, Chambers, Galveston and Brazoria counties |
347 | Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island |
351 | Lowell, Lawrence, Billerica, Concord, Wilmington, Sudbury, Fitchburg, Peabody, Andover, Beverly, Danvers |
352 | Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg, Brookville |
360 | Vancouver, Olympia, Bellingham, Silverdale |
361 | Corpus Christi, Victoria |
364 | Owensboro, Paducah, Bowling Green, Hopkinsville, Henderson, Elizabethtown, and most of western Kentucky |
365 | Niagara Falls Region, Hamilton, St. Catharines, suburbs of the Greater Toronto Area, and southeastern Ontario |
367 | Levis, Quebec City |
380 | Columbus, Worthington, Dublin, Reynoldsburg, Westerville, Gahanna, Hilliard |
385 | Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden, Orem, American Fork, Spanish Fork, Bountiful, Kaysville, Morgan |
386 | Daytona, Deland, Lake City, DeBary, Orange City, New Smyrna Beach, Palatka, Palm Coast |
401 | All areas |
402 | Lincoln, Omaha, Norfolk, Columbus |
403 | Calgary, Lethbridge, Banff, Medicine Hat, Red Deer |
404 | Atlanta |
405 | Oklahoma City, Norman, Stillwater, Britton, Bethany, Moore |
406 | All areas |
407 | Orlando, Winter Park, Kissimmee, Cocoa, Lake Buena Vista, Melbourne |
408 | San Jose, Sunnyvale, Campbell Los Gatos, Salinas, San Martin, Saratoga, Morgan Hill, Gilroy |
409 | Galveston, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Texas City, Nederland |
410 | Baltimore, Annapolis, Towson, Catonsville, Glen Burnie |
412 | Pittsburgh |
413 | Springfield, Pittsfield, Holyoke, Amherst |
414 | Milwaukee, Greendale, Franklin, Cudahy, St. Francis, Brown Deer, Whitefish Bay |
415 | San Francisco |
416 | Toronto |
417 | Joplin, Springfield, Branson, Lebanon |
418 | Quebec |
419 | Toledo, Lima, Mansfield, Sandusky, Findlay |
423 | Chattanooga, Cleveland, Johnson City, Bristol, Kingsport, Athens, Morristown, Greeneville |
424 | Compton, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West LA, Inglewood, Redondo, El Segundo, Culver City, Torrance |
425 | Bothell, Everett, Bellevue, Kirkland, Renton |
430 | Longview, Tyler, Texarkana, Paris, Kilgore, Sherman, Denison |
431 | All areas |
432 | Midland, Terminal, Odessa, Big Spring, Alpine, Pecos, Fort Stockton |
434 | Lynchburg, Danville, Charlottesville, Madison Heights, South Boston |
435 | Logan, St. George, Park City, Tooele, Brigham City, Richfield, Moab, Blanding |
437 | Toronto metropolitan area |
438 | Montreal Area |
440 | Willoughby, Hillcrest, Trinity, Lorain, Elyria |
441 | All areas |
442 | Oceanside, Palm Springs, Victorville, Escondido, Vista, Palm Desert |
443 | Baltimore, Annapolis, Towson, Catonsville, Glen Burnie |
445 | Philadelphia, Lansdale, Doylestown, Newtown, Quakertown |
450 | Quebec: Laval, Saint Lambert, Longueuil, Sainte Therese |
456 | Inbound International Call Routing |
458 | Eugene, Medford, Bend, Pendleton, Corvallis, Ontario, Burns; excludes the Portland metropolitan area |
463 | Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Greenwood |
469 | Dallas, Grand Prairie, Addison, Irving, Richardson, Plano, Carrollton |
470 | Atlanta, Norcross, Chamblee, Smyrna, Tucker, Marietta, Alpharetta, Gainesville |
473 | All areas |
475 | Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, Greenwich |
478 | Macon, Warner Robbins, Dublin, Milledgeville, Forsyth |
479 | Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Rogers, Bentonville, Russellville |
480 | Mesa, Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert |
484 | Allentown, Reading, Bethlehem, West Chester, Pottstown |
500 | Personal Communications Services |
501 | Little Rock, Hot Springs |
502 | Louisville, Frankfort, Fort Knox, Pleasure Ridge Park |
503 | Portland, Salem, Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsboro |
504 | New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Chalmette |
505 | Albuquerque, Bernalillo, Farmington, Gallup, Grants, Las Vegas, Los Alamos, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe |
506 | All areas |
507 | Rochester, Mankato, Winona, Faribault, Luverne |
508 | Worcester, Framingham, Brockton, Plymouth, New Bedford, Marlboro, Natick, Taunton, Auburn, Westboro, Easton |
509 | Spokane, Yakima, Walla Walla, Pullman, Kenwick |
510 | Oakland, Fremont, Newark, Hayward, Richmond |
512 | Austin, San Marcos, Round Rock, Dripping Springs |
513 | Cincinnati, Hamilton, Clermont, Middleton, Mason |
514 | Montreal Area |
515 | Des Moines, Ames, Jefferson |
516 | Nassau County: Hempstead, Oceanside, Freeport, Long Beach, Garden City, Glen Cove, Mineola |
517 | Lansing, Bay City, Jackson, Howell, Adrian |
518 | Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, Lake Placid |
519 | London Area, Kitchener, Cambridge, Windsor |
520 | Tucson, Sierra Vista, Nogales, Douglass, Bisbee |
521 | Non-Geographic Services |
522 | Personal Communications Services |
530 | Chico, Redding, Marysville, Auburn, Davis, Placerville |
531 | Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk, Superior, and most of eastern Nebraska |
533 | Personal Communications Services |
534 | Wausau, Eau Claire, Rhinelander, and most of northern Wisconsin |
539 | Tulsa, Bartlesville, McAlester, Muskogee, Henryetta and northeastern Oklahoma |
540 | Roanoke, Harrisonburg, Fredericksburg, Blacksburg, Winchester, Staunton, Culpeper |
541 | Eugene, Medford, Corvallis, Bend, Albany, Roseburg, Klamath Falls |
544 | Non-Geographic Services |
548 | Ontario: London Area, Kitchener, Cambridge, Windsor |
551 | Hackensack, Jersey City, Union City, Rutherford, Leonia |
559 | Fresno, Visalia, Madera, San Joaquin, Porterville, Hanford |
561 | Palm Beaches, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach |
562 | Long Beach, Norwalk, Alamitos, Downey, Whittier, Lakewood, La Habra |
563 | Davenport, Dubuque, Clinton, Muscatine, Decorah, Manchester, West Union |
564 | Vancouver, Olympia, Bellingham, Silverdale |
566 | Non-Geographic Services |
567 | Toledo, Lima, Mansfield, Sandusky, Findlay |
570 | Williamsport , Scranton , Wilkes-Barre and Monroe County |
571 | Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Quantico, Herndon, Vienna |
573 | Columbia, Cape Girardeau, Jefferson City |
574 | South Bend, Elkhart, Mishawaka, Granger, La Porte |
575 | Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, Deming, El Rito, Galina, Hatch, Hobbs, Las Cruces, Penasco, Raton, Taos |
577 | Non-Geographic Services |
579 | central southern Quebec including the city of Laval and other suburbs of Montreal but excluding the City of Montreal |
580 | Lawton, Enid, Ponca City, Ardmore, Duncan |
581 | Levis, Quebec City |
585 | Rochester, East Rochester, Olean, Batavia, Webster, Fairport, Henrietta |
586 | Warren, Mount Clemens, Roseville, Center Line, Utica, Romeo, Richmond, Washington, New Baltimore |
587 | Calgary, Lethbridge, Banff, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Alberta: Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Leduc, Lloydminster, Sherwood Park |
588 | Personal Communications Services |
600 | Canadian Services |
601 | Southern Mississippi: Jackson, Hattiesburg, Vicksburg, Meridian |
602 | Phoenix |
603 | All areas |
604 | Vancouver, Richmond, New Westminster |
605 | All areas |
606 | Ashland, Winchester, Pikeville, Somerset |
607 | Elmira, Ithaca, Stamford, Binghamton, Endicott, Oneonta |
608 | Madison, La Crosse, Janesville, Middleton, Monroe, Platteville, Dodgeville |
609 | Atlantic City, Trenton, Princeton, Pleasantville, Fort Dix, Lawrenceville |
610 | Allentown, Reading, Bethlehem, West Chester, Pottstown |
612 | Minneapolis, Richfield |
613 | Ottawa, Kingston, Belleville, Cornwall, Kanata |
614 | Columbus, Worthington, Dublin, Reynoldsburg, Westerville, Gahanna, Hilliard |
615 | Nashville, Mufreesboro, Hendersonville, Frank |
616 | Grand Rapids, Holland, Grand Haven, Greenville, Zeeland, Ionia |
617 | Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Newton, Brookline, Brighton, Somerville, Dorchester, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain |
618 | Collinsville, Alton, Carbondale, Belleville, Mount Vernon, Centralia |
619 | San Diego, Chula Vista, El Cajon, La Mesa, National City, Coronado |
620 | Hutchinson, Emporia, Liberal, Pittsburg, Dodge City, Garden City, Coffeyville |
622 | Non-Geographic Services |
623 | Glendale, Sun City, Peoria |
626 | Pasadena, Alhambra, Covina, El Monte, La Puenta |
628 | San Francisco |
629 | Nashville, Mufreesboro, Hendersonville, Frank |
630 | La Grange, Roselle, Hinsdale, Downers Grove, Naperville, Lombard, Elmhurst, Aurora, Wheaton |
631 | Suffolk County: Brentwood, Farmingdale, Central Islip, Riverhead, Huntington, Deer Park, Amityville, Lindenhurst |
636 | St. Charles, Fenton, Harvester, Chesterfield, Manchester |
639 | All areas |
640 | Atlantic City, Trenton, Princeton, Pleasantville, Fort Dix, Lawrenceville |
641 | Fairfield, Mason City, Grinnell, Newton, Knoxville |
646 | Manhattan |
647 | Toronto |
649 | All areas |
650 | South San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Mateo, Mountain View, Redwood City |
651 | St. Paul, Redwing, Farmington, Eagan, Lino Lakes, North Branch, Roseville Valley |
657 | Anaheim, Santa Anna |
660 | Warrensburg, Kirksville, Sedalia, Chillicothe, Moberly, Marshall |
661 | Bakersfield, Santa Clarita, Palmdale, Simi Valley |
662 | Tupelo, Columbus, Greenwood, Greenville, Oxford |
664 | All areas |
667 | |
669 | San Jose |
670 | All areas |
671 | All areas |
678 | Atlanta, Norcross, Chamblee, Smyrna, Tucker, Marietta, Alpharetta, Gainesville |
680 | Syracuse, Utica, Watertown, Rome |
681 | All areas |
682 | Fort Worth, Arlington, Euless, Grapevine |
684 | All areas |
700 | Interexchange Carrier Services |
701 | All areas |
702 | Las Vegas and surrounding areas |
703 | Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Quantico, Herndon, Vienna |
704 | Charlotte, Asheville, Gastonia, Concord, Statesville, Salisbury, Shelby, Monroe |
705 | North Bay, Sault Sainte Marie |
706 | Augusta, Columbus, Athens, Rome, Dalton |
707 | Eureka, Napa, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Vallejo |
708 | Oak Brook, Calumet City, Harvey |
709 | All areas |
710 | US Government |
712 | Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Spencer, Cherokee, Denison |
713 | Houston |
714 | Anaheim, Santa Anna |
715 | Eau Claire, Wausau, Stevens Point, Superior |
716 | Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Tonawanda, Williamsville, Jamestown, Lancaster |
717 | Harrisburg, York, Lancaster |
718 | Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island |
719 | Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Lamar |
720 | Denver, Littleton, Englewood, Arvada, Boulder, Aurora |
721 | All areas |
724 | Greensburg, Uniontown, Butler, Washington, New Castle, Indiana |
725 | almost all of Clark County, including all of the Las Vegas Valley, including Henderson and Boulder City |
726 | San Antonio |
727 | Clearwater, St. Petersburg, New Port Richey, Tarpon Springs |
731 | Jackson, Dyersburg, Union City, Paris, Brownsville |
732 | New Brunswick, Metuchen, Rahway, Perth Amboy, Toms River, Bound Brook |
734 | Ann Arbor, Livonia, Wayne, Wyandotte, Ypsilanti, Plymouth, Monroe |
737 | Houston |
740 | Portsmouth, Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Steubenville |
743 | Greensboro, Winston Salem, Highpoint, Burlington, Lexington, Asheboro, Reidsville |
747 | Van Nuys, Canoga Park, Burbank, San Fernando, Glendale, N. Hollywood |
754 | arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Quantico, Herndon, Vienna |
757 | Norfolk, Newport News, Williamsburgh |
758 | All areas |
760 | Oceanside, Palm Springs, Victorville, Escondido, Vista, Palm Desert |
762 | Augusta, Columbus, Athens, Rome, Dalton |
763 | Brooklyn Park, Coon Rapids, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Cambridge, Blaine, Anoka |
765 | Lafayette, Muncie, Kokomo, Anderson, Richmond, Marion |
767 | All areas |
769 | Jackson, Hattiesburg, Vicksburg, Meridian |
770 | Norcross, Chamblee, Smyrna, Tucker, Marietta, Alpharetta, Gainesville |
772 | Vero Beach, Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Fort Pierce, Sebastian, Hobe Sound, Jensen Beach, Indiantown |
773 | Chicago |
774 | Worcester, Framingham, Brockton, Plymouth, New Bedford, Marlboro, Natick, Taunton, Auburn, Westboro, Easton |
775 | Reno, Carson City |
778 | Vancouver, Richmond, New Westminster |
779 | La Salle, Joliet, Rockford, DeKalb |
780 | Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Leduc, Lloydminster, Sherwood Park |
781 | Waltham, Lexington, Burlinton, Dedham, Woburn, Lynn, Malden, Saugus, Reading, Braintree, Wellesley |
782 | All areas |
784 | All areas |
785 | Topeka, Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Junction |
786 | Miami, Perrine, Homestead, Florida Keys |
787 | All areas |
800 | Toll-Free |
801 | Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden, Orem, American Fork, Spanish Fork, Bountiful, Kaysville, Morgan |
802 | All areas |
803 | Columbia |
804 | Richmond, Lynchburg, Petersburg |
805 | Santa Barbara, Thousand Oaks, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Oxnard, Simi Valley |
806 | Amarillo, Lubbock |
807 | Western Ontario: Thunder Bay |
808 | All areas |
809 | All areas |
810 | Flint, Port Huron, Lapeer, Brighton, Sandusky |
812 | Evansville, Bloomington, Terre Haute, New Albany |
813 | Tampa |
814 | Erie to Johnstown to Breezewood, State College and Potter County |
815 | La Salle, Joliet, Rockford, DeKalb |
816 | Kansas City, Saint Joseph, Independence, Gladstone |
817 | Fort Worth, Arlington, Euless, Grapevine |
818 | Van Nuys, Canoga Park, Burbank, San Fernando, Glendale, N. Hollywood |
819 | Hull, Sherbrooke, Trois-Riviers, Gatineau |
820 | Santa Barbara, Thousand Oaks, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Oxnard, Simi Valley |
825 | Calgary, Lethbridge, Banff, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Leduc, Lloydminster, Sherwood Park |
828 | Asheville, Hickory, Morganton, Hendersonville, Lenoir, Boone, Andrews, Murphy, Marble |
829 | All areas |
830 | New Braunfels, Del Rio, Seguin, Kerrville, Eagle Pass, Fredericksburg |
831 | Monterey, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Hollister, Aptos, Carmel |
832 | Houston, Sugar Land, Buffalo, Airline, Greenspoint, Spring |
833 | Toll Free |
838 | Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, Lake Placid |
843 | Charleston, Florence, Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head |
844 | Toll-Free |
845 | Poughkeepsie, Spring Valley, Newburgh, Kingston, Nyack, Middletown, Brewster, Pearl River |
847 | Northbrook, Skokie, Evanston, Glenview, Waukegan, Desplaines, Elk Grove |
848 | New Brunswick, Metuchen, Rahway, Perth Amboy, Toms River, Bound Brook |
849 | All areas |
850 | Tallahassee, Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City |
854 | Charleston, Florence, Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head |
855 | Toll-Free |
856 | Camden, Haddonfield, Moorestown, Merchantville, Vineland, Laurel Springs |
857 | Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Newton, Brookline, Brighton, Somerville, Dorchester, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain |
858 | La Jolla, Rancho Bernardo, del Mar, Poway, Rancho Penasquitos, Rancho Santa Fe |
859 | Lexington, Covington, Boone, Winchester, Richmond, Danville, Mount Sterling |
860 | Hartford, New London, Norwich, Middletown, Bristol |
862 | Newark, Morristown, Paterson, Passaic, Orange, Bloomfield, Caldwell, Whippany |
863 | Lakeland, Winter Haven, Lake Wales, Sebring, Haines City, Bartow, Avon Park, Okeechobee, Wachula |
864 | Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson |
865 | Knoxville, Maryville, Oak Ridge, Sevierville, Gatlinburg, Concord, Powell |
866 | Toll-Free |
867 | Whitehorse, Yellow Knife, Nunavut |
868 | All areas |
869 | All areas |
870 | Texarkana, Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, El Dorado |
872 | Chicago (Downtown area), Wheeling |
873 | |
876 | All areas |
877 | Toll-Free |
878 | Pittsburgh, Greensburg, Uniontown, Butler, Washington, New Castle, Indiana |
888 | Toll-Free |
900 | Premium Services |
901 | Memphis, Collierville |
902 | All areas |
903 | Longview, Tyler, Texarkana, Paris, Kilgore, Sherman, Denison |
904 | Jacksonville, Saint Augustine, Orange Park, Fernandina Beach |
905 | Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Markham, Mississauga, Brampton |
906 | Marquette, Iron Mountain, Houghton, Sault Ste Marie |
907 | All areas |
908 | Elizabeth, New Brunswick, Somerville, Freehold, Unionville, Plainfield |
909 | San Bernardino, Ontario, Upland, Pomona, Riverside, Colton, Chino |
910 | Fayetteville, Wilmington, Jacksonville, Lumberton, Laurinburg, Southern Pines |
912 | Savannah, Macon, Waycross, Brunswick, Statesboro, Vidalia |
913 | Melrose, Kansas City |
914 | Westchester, Monroe, Mount Vernon, Mount Kisco, Pleasantville |
915 | El Paso, Socorro, Fabens, Dell City, Van Horn, Fort Bliss |
916 | Sacramento, Roseville, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Elk Grove, South Placer |
917 | New York City (Manhattan only), New York City (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island) |
918 | Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Muskogee, Bartlesville, McAlester |
919 | Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Chapel Hill, Goldsboro, Apex, Sanford, Wake Forest |
920 | Green Bay, Appleton, Racine, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Sheboygan |
925 | Walnut Creek, Pleasanton, Concord, Livermore, Bishop Ranch, Danville, Antioch |
928 | Yuma, Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona, Bullhead City, Kingman, Lake Havasu City |
929 | |
930 | Evansville, Bloomington, Terre Haute, New Albany |
931 | Clarksville, Shelbyville, Cookeville, Columbia |
934 | Suffolk County: Brentwood, Farmingdale, Central Islip, Riverhead, Huntington, Deer Park, Amityville, Lindenhurst |
936 | Conroe, Nacogdoches, Huntsville, Lufkin, Madisonville |
937 | Dayton, Springfield, Bellefontaine, Beavercreek, Franklin |
938 | Huntsville, Anniston, Cullman, Decatur, Florence, Fort Payne, Gadsden, Madison, Sheffield, Tuscumbia |
939 | All areas |
940 | Wichita Falls, Denton, Gainesville |
941 | Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda |
947 | Troy, Pontiac, Royal Oak, Birmingham, Rochester, Farmington Hills |
949 | Irvine, Saddleback Valley, Newport Beach, Capistrano Valley, Laguna Beach |
951 | Riverside, Corona, Temecula, Arlington, Hemet, Moreno Valley, Murietta, Sun City, Elsinore |
952 | Bloomington, Burnsville, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, Edina, St. Louis Park, Apple Valley |
954 | Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs |
956 | Brownsville, Laredo, McAllen, Harlingen, Edinburg |
959 | Hartford, New London, Norwich, Middletown, Bristol |
970 | Fort Collins, Greeley, Grand Junction, Loveland, Durango, Vail |
971 | Portland, Salem, Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsboro |
972 | Grand Prairie, Addison, Irving, Richardson, Plano, Carrollton |
973 | Newark, Morristown, Paterson, Passaic, Orange, Bloomfield, Caldwell, Whippany |
978 | Lowell, Lawrence, Billerica, Concord, Wilmington, Sudbury, Fitchburg, Peabody, Andover, Beverly, Danvers |
979 | Bryan, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Brenham, Bay City, El Campo |
980 | Charlotte, Asheville, Gastonia, Concord, Statesville, Salisbury, Shelby, Monroe |
984 | Raleigh |
985 | Houma, Slidell, Hammond, Morgan City, Mandeville, Covington, Thibodaux, Bogalusa, St. Charles |
986 | All areas |
989 | Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Mount Pleasant |